Pesticide Consumer Information Sheet
Applicator Business Name: Spray-Rite Sprinklers & Landscaping Phone Number: 732-703-3117
1358 Hooper ave. Toms River NJ 08753
Dear Customer:
As of November 19, 2001, the NJ DEP Pesticide Control Program instituted a new program that requires us to provide customers with information about the pesticides that we will be using as part of the pest control program for your property. This CONSUMER INFORMATION NOTICE provides you with this information. This CIN lists any label precautions for the pesticides(s) listed below that you should be aware of. You should also be aware that you may request notification of the exact date(s) of any pesticide application, and a copy of the label for each pesticide that will be used.
Be aware that Sanitation, as well as physical and biological control measures should be considered as another part of a good pest control program. Pesticides may be used as another part of a good pest control program. Pesticides are substances used to control living organisms and vary in degree of toxicity.
Brand/Chemical Code #’s Precautions to be Taken
A 1,2,6,7,8,9,11,13,37, Keep people and pets off treated areas until dust has 48,49,51,56,58,61,62, has settled or the application has been watered in 67,68,72,73,79,81,82,83 and dried. B 3,4,5,10,12,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 Do not allow people or pets on treated 21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31 surfaces until spray has dried. Let surfaces 32,33,34,35,36,38,41,42,43,45,46 dry before allowing people and pets to 47,50,54,55,57,59,60,70,75,76,84 contact surfaces. C 7,8,20,35,62,76,82 Properly compost grass clippings prior to using as a soil amendment or mulch.
If applications are made to ornamentals or turf, at least (1) sign will be placed on the property that says PESTICIDE TREATED AREA and contains the international signage for KEEP OFF THE GRASS. We are required to do this by regulation. The sign must remain in place for a minimum of (72) hours following each pesticide application. After which time, you may remove flags
We are also required to provide the following phone numbers for your use in the event you have any health related Questions concerning the materials that we will be using
National Pesticide Information Center (General Questions) (800)-858-7378 NJ Poison Information & Education Systems (Emergencies) (800)-222-1222 NJ DEP Pesticide Control Program (800)-984-6507